Saturday, March 01, 2008

live tech blogging

ok so i'm sitting here in the back of the theater while tech is getting under way. I have some chunks of script to look at, and occassional random thoughts to pipe in. But I've got some time to, you know, do other things.

I will attempt to blog some interesting tidbits from the back of the room here.

At this point we're still working the first cue of the show. The first cue in tech, usually takes several hours to complete.

1:17 PM
considering taking first tech poop. (see earlier post re: BioActiva)

1:26 PM
Dunkin donuts munchkins seem to be today's tech snack of choice today.

1:53 PM
first ten minute break
Hershey's nuggets variety bag is also available for snacking
  • The red curtain is looking sweet
  • There is some great lever sounds happening
  • There is amazing timpani lighting

2:39 PM
6" Subway turkey sub. Ruffles. Diet Coke. Alex (director) has apple cinnamon chips. He seems to be really into fruit flavored chips.

4:35 PM

5:30 PM

I have no idea what the 4:35 updates is about. Dinner break! We're through almost the first third of the play. Woohew! Looking sweet as a sweet pie so far.

7:30 PM

We're working the first post boom cues, working in barbara's speeches. debate about Jules' flashlight, whether it's too dark, will we have lounge music in certain parts...

On the food front, I had a burrito from Chipotle. Good pork, but papalote it ain't

10:45 PM
Oh shit I totally forgot I was doing this. My mind has begun to numb into an unthinking muck. We've come a long way today, almost to the end of the show and it's looking awesome. It's time for beer and then we return tomorrow at noon to finish the show and begin to run things again. yeeha!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boo to fruit flavored chips. But sounds like some good snacking going on there!

11:18 PM  

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