Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday roundup

  • I had my readings of boom this week which were altogether a very pleasant experience. I learned a lot, rewrote a lot, and am ready to rewrite a whole lot more. Great actors, director, and feedback made the whole experience a good one. As for the play, I feel comforted that there is indeed a core that is compelling, a functional structure, interesting characters and an identifiable path of progress. I actually have a physical list (well, virtual, its on the computer) of things I want to work on. Always nice to have a list as opposed to what i was feeling before the reading (confusion, loss, and gentle despair).
  • My nano play was also read at the Magic which was great too. It's the first 7 minute play that I've ever written about nanotechnology that's in couplets. Very silly.
  • My facial cleanser, Basis gel in a green tube, has been discontinued at Walgreens. WHAT DO I DO???!?!?!?
  • I bought a new laptop (thanks, prizes!) which has a webcam. I'm nervous about my self control over a lonely summer on the east coast. Or, maybe, it's a revenue opportunity ( is that domain taken?). Regardless I'll try and get some great webcam (pleasant ones) pix up here soon.
  • Lost was awesome this week. I hope the structure switches to flash-forwards next year. Favorite line: "Want to help me tie up your father?"
  • I wonder what the whales are thinking about all the rescue efforts.
  • I may have done my worst acting audition ever this week. I don't think I said a single sentence correctly and my ad lib at the end ("I'm feeling a very passionate connection with you") may have been inappropriate for the scene I was auditioning for (Reporter talks to pre-school children.) good lord.


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