Monday, October 23, 2006

weekend pop culture roundup

  • Behind the curve, yes, but finally watched a couple episodes of Weeds. Love it! Love her!
  • Saw Little Children. I really liked it. Kept me tense and engaged and I thought it was a remarkable adaptation of a novel to film in that it managed to keep a grand scope and tell an elaborate story in 2.5 hours. Also, it contains one of the better uses of narrative voiceover. They used the guy who narrates Frontline. It was strangely funny, poignant and became a character of its own.
  • Just bought an album by Stew on iTunes. I saw a dress rehearsal of Passing Strange at Berkeley Rep, featuring above musician, and was really taken by the music. It's got that simultaneous humor and heartbreak thing that makes me weak in the knees. The show is worth seeing, btw. Unlike anything I've seen, and it's a musical, and I found the ending pleasantly surprising and hilarious and awesome and strange. I think I will go see it again deeper in the run.
  • I also saw Colorado, but since I wrote that I won't give any biased assessments.
  • I like this quote from Richard Feynman:
    "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."

  • For the record, I will not be seeing Saw III. Blech.
  • For the record, I kind of enjoy the new Westfield mall.
  • Ooo. I just discovered spell check on blogger. I hope that helps my errors in the posts somewhat.


Blogger Ali said...

Well, you might not catch the mouse, but if you have peanut butter &/or cheese in the trap, you'll definitely be able to catch Mark:)

12:23 AM  

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