Friday, June 29, 2007

i'm doing laundry today!

I've reached the stage in the rehearsal process where new pages are no longer welcome, and I am happy to oblige. It's been a furiously intense first week. Of the initial draft I came in with on Saturday, only 37 pages have remained unscathed and unreplaced. I'm still making cut and tweaks, but it's time to let the thing settle in for a while. The cast, director, and crew here are dreamy. Dreamy, I tell you! I'm very excited.

The Vartan Gregorian Suite is pleasant and comfortable, except for the morning jackhammering which has become a 7:30 AM tradition. My suitemates/fellow playwrights/composers are a swell bunch (Yeah Andy, Jen, Steven!). Soon we'll be sharing our darkest secrets with each other.

I have eaten more sandwiches in the past week than I ever imagined possible. I think I'm losing a little weight even, what with trader joe's snacks not beckoning me from the kitchen. Oo, I am a little hungry now.

We almost had thunderstorms yesterday but they never passed overhead in Providence. I'm hoping we get a little wild deluge at some point during the summer. It would be especially great if it hit at a metaphorically appropriate time.


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